Happy 3 week birthday Wade!
Wade, I'm a sentimental mama and just had to include these two pictures below of you and your big brother wearing the same gown. The first picture is of you at about 2 1/2 weeks old - a healthy and alert little guy. The next picture is of your brother wearing the same sleeper gown on the day he came home from the hospital. I packed it in my hospital bag for you to wear home from the hospital too, but we ended up asking for an early discharge because we just couldn't wait to get you home, and we didn't have time to change your clothes before leaving. So here you are a few weeks later wearing the gown intended for you all along. You can see it fits you much better than it fit McCord.
Wade in gown at 2 1/2 weeks |
McCord in gown - leaving hospital and going home |
And just for comparison, here's Wade leaving the hospital and headed home! |
We were so very excited to get you home and start our life as a family of 4! |
A few things have been in the works for you this week: (1) your daddy has been in communication with the local nursery to have a tree planted in our yard in your honor - we planted an Autumn Blaze maple for McCord and Bo's chosen a Sugar Maple for you. It won't be planted until September when it's a bit cooler, but we look forward to taking your picture next to it each month to monitor your growth and the tree's - just like we did with your big brother. (2) we had your newborn photo shoot this week - here are
a few photos from the event. You were alert and interested in what was going on around you. It was so fun to document this time in our lives.
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