High Cotton is on hiatus!
Above is a picture of my last completed HC project shipped out to Columbia - several ruffle wraps for my sweet sorority sister, Caroline. Many, many thanks to all of you who have messaged me about my most popular items - wraps, giraffes, and boys' belts. I wish I had time enough to complete all of these projects before baby #2 comes, but I've become a sentimental mama lately, and I am treasuring every second I have with my 18 month-old before he becomes a big brother. I cannot thank you enough for being supportive of High Cotton from the start. Right now I feel like I'm just "pressing pause" for a few months while I soak up as much time as I can with my family and work on a few final sewing projects for our new house. When baby #2 arrives, I hope to be able to resume my HC endeavors in small doses during nap time.
I hope you understand.
Life with an 18 month-old is challenging, sometimes frustrating, and downright exhausting. But it's also deeply gratifying to see your small toddler learn something new. My heart runs over several times a day as McCord runs to me with a huge full-on body hug. And when those little open hands reach up to me asking to be held, my heart melts into a big puddle. These are the moments that I've been waiting for as a mother. The moments I want to remember forever. Thank you God for showing me this kind of love through my child. It's overwhelming.
Here are the past few days in pictures.
fixing things |
supervising the next-door neighbor's roofing project |
trying out paint samples for kids' bath |
having a teddy bear tea party |
making Valentine's cards |
and finger painting |
and making messes |
I absolutely recommend this one! |
giving hugs |