
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Generations Between Them

Neither Bo nor I have any living grandparents, but we joined a program through our church about a year ago called One Anothering where we are connected to some of Oakland Avenue Presbyterian's oldest members. We really enjoy our monthly visits with Mary - she's spunky, has a great sense of humor, and in a few short days she'll turn 98!  She has more energy than both of us combined and talks non-stop from the moment we enter her apartment until we leave.  Throughout my pregnancy, she kept saying that she couldn't wait to meet her great-grandchild.  When we visited on Saturday, we couldn't put McCord in her lap fast enough - you can see her excitement in the photo above as she cradled him in her 75 lb. body.  She spoke to McCord so endearingly, and I couldn't help but gaze in awe at these two little bodies.  She was born in 1912, and with McCord's birthday in 2010, there are generations between these two souls.  How different life was the year Mary was born: 

  • A loaf of bread cost $0.05, a gallon of milk $0.32

  • Life expectancy for women was 51 years and only 48 years for men!

  • The Titanic sank

  • New Mexico and Arizona became the 47th and 48th states admitted in US

  • Girl Scouts were founded in Savannah, GA, while women all across America were striving for equality

  • The average salary was $750

  • Lifesavers candy was invented

  • 5th summer Olympics were held in Sweden

  • Frank Sinatra, Julia Child, Lady Bird Johnson, and Gene Kelly were born
  • William Howard Taft was president
It makes me wonder about all of the things we will remember about 2010, the year McCord was born.  Each day, we are experiencing the history of our son. 


  1. This is so touching and wonderful! What a great program to connect your oldest church members with "family". I can't imagine how much she looks forward to your visits!

  2. Aww!!! I agree with Jess! It is really neat that your church has such a special program! I know she LOVES your visits and even more so now with McCord! What a blessing for y'all too!
