
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Missing Ankles...

Dear Ankles,

I woke up Tuesday morning and was shocked to see that you had disappeared.  Without warning!  I feel so abandoned, and to make matters worse, my calves are having to do extra work by stretching all the way down into my feet.  It looks quite pathetic - a person with no ankles.  If you come back, I'll ask no questions regarding your betrayal.  In fact, I may throw in a few pedicures to make you feel more comfortable.  What's that you say?  A foot massage from Bo every night may do the trick?   I see.  Well, you were having to carry around a lot of extra poundage lately, so I can understand if you got tired of being pushed away.  But I promise that if you can stick it out for another 1 1/2 months, you'll be back into those sexy shoes in no time.  Yes, the thin strappy ones, even.   And I'll be happy to have you back. 

Love, Sara


  1. LOL!!! Love it girl!!! I know you still look fab as always!!! Hope to see you at Bunco this week!!

  2. I so feel your pain! Just wait until your husband finds them as entertainment for her friends! The end is in sight!

  3. This is hilarious. I used to complain all the time about my feet and ankles, Chap's favorite response was, "Well, at least now you know how the elephants feel..." Thanks hun.
