...in fact, he'll be 11 months this week (!) so I'm squeezing this post in just in the nick of time.
What a wonderful month 10 months has been! It is so hard for me to believe that Wade will be 1 year old in just a little over a month. I am having a really hard time with that. I love the baby phase so much I'm having a hard time letting go. Every day I get sentimental about this little one who is growing up way too fast.
Wade's monthly picture standing next to his maple. We tried to convince Mc to take the picture with us, and this was the best we got! This was Easter morning - Wade's first Easter, and he had a low grade fever, so he stayed home with Daddy while Mc and I went to church. |
On our way to his first official Easter egg hunt - a rainy day moved our hunt indoors at church. |
Poor little guy - this is where we realized he wasn't feeling very good. He clung to Bo while McCord participated in the egg hunt. |
Wade's favorite foods are sweet potatoes, squash, and carrots. Mc loves to feed Wade and always tells me, "save me that last bite!" |
Mc spent a couple of days with his grandparents over his spring break, and Wade was an only child for a couple of days. Here he is pretty pleased with himself getting strolled around in the single stroller and loving a slower pace and lots of extra attention. |
Sweet boy! I'm not ready for my little Alex to be 11 months either! It was too fast!