Oh dear! How did this happen? Wade is 11 months, but in just 7 days he'll be a year old!!!
Wade and his maple and Mc hanging out in the background without pants. We're normal, right? |
As ususal, I'm late, late, late to make his monthly post. Here are a few snapshots of Wade at 11 months old and a few that I wanted to include from 10 months.
This year Wade attended his first
Come-See-Me festival. We are so incredibly thankful for our city and all of the volunteers who plan, organize, and implement Rock Hill's annual festival. It is really an incredible experience, and we are truly blessed to live in a town that does so much for its residents and visitors.
One of our favorite festival activities is the picnic lunch at Glencairen Gardens with musical performances. The boys and I packed a lunch and made this a daily activity. This is also where Wade got a taste of his fist goldfish cracker. You can see the remnants of it here. Little guy loves a goldfish! |
Bo picked up lunch and joined us on Thursday. |
We had a little shin-dig at our house for the final night of Come-See-Me. I put the boys to work. |
Bo helped coordinate and participate in a bed race for a local non-profit (all part of Come-See-Me). Participants literally built beds on wheels and raced them down the street. It sounds strange, but it was oddly entertaining. His team didn't place, but their 60s-themed volkswagon van turned bed on wheels looked groovy being pushed down Main Street by a bunch of hippies. |
Here we are at our next stop on the same day, "Everything Trucks," an event where the city brings in all sorts of trucks that children can climb in and honk the horns. This is the second time we've attended this event, and it is so much fun for kids and adults both. Here we are sitting in the very truck that picks up our garbage every Tuesday. When I asked him if our house was on his route, he said, "Oh yeah, I know exactly where y'all live..." I felt pretty convicted that we produce way too much trash for a family of four. Needless to say, we thanked him profusely for picking up after us! |
Beware: you are about to see pink overload in the next few images, but Bo and the boys were all wearing pink on the same day and they were all just so cute! I had to take pictures. |
These two are quite a pair! |
At the Winthrop baseball game, celebrating Bo's birthday. Wade attended his first game at just a couple of days old, and now here he is again at almost a year. |
Trying out sweat bands as knee pads |
This little guy has been busy-busy this month. Here are some of the highlights:
- Crawling like a maniac and pulling up -- the crawling started at10 months, and the pulling up is a newly developed skill. Favorite things to crawl toward: dogfood and shoes and he loves to put both in his mouth. Ever vigilant, we are with this crawling babe.
- The other day, Bo was getting him dressed in his pjs after bathtime, and Wade kept rolling over on his belly and crawling likity-split to the other side of the bed. Bo said getting Wade dressed is "kind of like putting pants on a slug!" and it's so true. I've never known a baby who's such a challenge to dress or change a diaper. His wrestling moves are out of this world! This little guy is a wiggly, pudgy, chunky slug!
- At 10 months Wade started saying Mama and Dada and McCord loves to hear Wade talk. Earlier this evening, Wade was standing at one of his toys pushing buttons and watching it light up and make noise. He was squealing and speaking jibberish - so proud of himself. Mc walked over to him and said, "Are you talking Wade?" Sometimes I'll ask Mc what he thinks Wade's saying and Mc's answer is always the same, "...hummmm...he says he wants to go to the park!"
- He was doing a great job eating his veggies, but a couple of weeks ago, I let gave him a goldfish, and it's been all over since then. This little guy refuses to eat anything other than something cracker-related. Goldfish, Ritz crackers, and Club mini crackers are his 3 food groups.
My first Mother's Day with two little boys |