I can hardly believe that Wade turned one last month. This year just been a blur watching McCord and Wade grow up. And speaking of a blur, Wade is all over the place. He's an incredibly efficient and fast crawler, and he is quite the explorer! One of his favorite things to do is crawl around and explore a new space. He loves it when you stand him up on his feet and give him something to hold onto. He's trying to figure out how to take a step while holding onto you, and every now and then when he's successful, he's so proud of himself. He also LOVES his brother. Wherever McCord is, Wade is closing in, trying to get into whatever Big Brother is doing. Watching, observing, and loving everything that McCord does and is.

Bo and I've enjoyed talking about the differences of McCord and Wade at this age, and one thing's for sure: Where McCord was shy, conscientious, and quiet, Wade is all loud, rough, tough, and fast. All the things that you think of when you think of boys. He's all boy, but he's one of the most affectionate babies I can imagine. He is such a lover and a flirt.
My favorite activity with Wade is laying on the bed together after we've bathed the boys and gotten them in their pjs. Bo takes McCord to his room to tuck him in, while Wade and I have a sweet mama-son moment. He loves to crawl all over me, and then he gets really close, puts his face right up to mine, and grabs my cheeks so he can kiss me. Of course he doesn't quite know what he's doing, and drool goes everywhere, and sometimes I can't breath for all of the baby in my face, but I look forward to these sloppy gestures of affection from my youngest son every night.
First trip to the zoo - June 2013 - we fed the giraffes |
McCord showing Wade how to feed them |
This gentile giant loved Wade |
We had an early cupcake party for McCord at preschool since Mc has a summer birthday. Here's a picture I took of Bo and Wade having a little moment while all of the older kids were doing storytime. I love looking at these sweet guys and I also love that Bo is sitting in a tiny preschool chair. |
My mother in law took this picture, and this is one of the differences between our two boys. Mc would never fall asleep on me, but I love that Wade will still take a nap on my shoulder. |
Hiking at Kings Mountain - this was a really great weekend, and I love that this photo looks like a scene from a storybook, because that is sort of how the whole weekend felt.
Happy Birthday Wade! |