I have been dying to get behind the sewing machine again to try my hand at some fall clothes for McCord. I picked out this pattern from Hobby Lobby - overalls in the lower right corner.
Notions - buttons, snap tape, and applique came from Hancock's. Here's a picture of the applique I picked out. To attach it to your fabric, you can use the enclosed brads or stitch around the perimeter. Pretty nifty!
If you're a beginner sewer like me, this is a good pattern to work on because there are only a couple of pattern pieces, but there are a few tricky areas. It requires making 2 button holes, overcasting, and sewing on snap tape. It took me a while to learn how to do those things, but once I figured it out, it wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. From start to finish - including cutting out the fabric, and learning a few new sewing tricks - the whole project probably took me about 6 hours. I hope the next one I make will take half of the time. Total cost for pattern, material, and notions: $20 - $25.
Here are a few pics of the finished project:
Mom, I won't fit into this thing until I'm 3 years old! |
Supposedly, this size is a 6 - 9 month size (I hope Mc can wear it after Christmas), but doesn't it look HUGE?!
Also, I discovered
this seller on Etsy, and got inspired to make my own appliques to jazz up a few of Mc's onesies. Here's a sneak peak of the hedgehog.